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CBCT is a critical tool for clinicians, particularly endodontists, as it allows for the immediate and precise 3D visualization of teeth. This state-of-the-art equipment is used in conjunction with digital X-rays, as it provides valuable information that X-rays alone cannot.

Cone beam imaging enables the endodontist or practitioner to create more precise treatment plans toward saving a tooth or carrying out a dental extraction.

Small or large field of view CT scans include 4x4, 5x5, 8x5 and 8x8 for endodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, as well as for implant placement.

A safe and non-invasive tool for higher accuracy

The cone beam scan process is completely non-invasive, painless, and safe for patients as it employs the lowest radiation dose necessary in order to create an image quality adequate for accurate diagnosis.

To learn more about cone beam computer tomography or CBCT imaging appointment, please contact our team at Endodontics on Don Mills.