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What is a root perforation?

A perforation is a hole that forms inside the crown or root canal system of a tooth.

Unfortunately, perforations expose inside the crown or root canal system to the exterior tissues like the surrounding bone or gum and mouth, leaving the root canal exposed and vulnerable to bacteria and debris, causing complications like pain, inflammation, and, ultimately, complete tooth loss.

Perforation can be caused by resorptions as well. Internal resorption leads to the absorption of the dentin, ultimately creating a hollow tooth which connects to surrounding bone, causing infection.

What causes perforations?

Perforations can occur as a result of severe tooth decay, or internal or external root resorption.

This resorption may be caused by infection, trauma, or exposure to certain conditions like chemicals or extreme heat during dental treatment. Perforation can also be a consequence of a failed root canal procedure, in which an excessive amount of dentin was removed during treatment.

The infection following a perforation can lead to the formation of a pocket of pus on the root, referred to as an abscess. This may also cause discoloration of the tooth and swelling of the surrounding tissues.

Treating a perforation: Time is of the essence

Seeking immediate endodontic care from our team will give you the best prognosis for treating your perforation and successfully saving your tooth.

As is the case with every dental complication, the earlier the diagnosis, the better - which is also why regular dental check-ups are so important for the health of your smile.

To learn more about perforation repair, please contact our team at Endodontics on Don Mills.